Taking a Long Term Approach to Improved Online Visibility
The scope of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is rapidly changing, competition is getting fiercer online and there have been rumours that SEO is dead for a while. As a result, many brands and businesses are making some significant changes to the way in which they market online. But SEO is certainly not dead – if anything, having a strong SEO strategy is more relevant to your business today than it has ever been.
The key is to stay on top of the latest SEO advancements and trends so that your company doesn’t get left behind online.
If you want your brand to succeed online, here are some of the main reasons why you still need SEO.
1. Organic Search is Still a Primary Source of Web Traffic
Yes, other ways of getting traffic to your site, like social media, are undoubtedly growing in popularity. But search engines are still widely used – if not more than ever before – so organic search is a massive source of web traffic and a major aspect in the buyer funnel.
Ultimately, getting your business discovered naturally in the search engines is a crucial part of your website’s performance and the first step to getting buyers to engage or convert. Google owns around 75% of the search market today, so their SEO guidelines are the ones that you want to follow.
2. Create a Better User Experience
Today, providing the best service and remaining competitive online is all about providing an awesome user experience from start to finish. And, that doesn’t start once your customer has decided what they’re going to buy from you and is completing the checkout or sign-up process. The user experience must begin right at the start when a user discovers your company for the first time.
Google has, over the years, learned how to discern favourable user experiences from less favourable ones, which makes creating a positive experience for users a key factor for both your website success and ranking. Using a high-quality SEO strategy creates a positive user experience that works in your brand’s favour.
3. It’s Relatively Affordable
Yes, good SEO services will always cost you money, but the good news is that over the long-term, a high-quality SEO strategy will be relatively affordable for you, particularly when you think about the return on investment that it can provide. Stop thinking of your SEO strategy as a marketing cost, and instead consider it as a true business investment that’s necessary for growth, development, and reputation online. Implementing a good SEO strategy today will have a positive impact on your business for years to come.
4. Local SEO Increases Engagement and Conversions
With mobile traffic now dominating online search, local SEO has become an essential factor for success when it comes to small businesses. It is designed to help your website rank for a specific facility so that users in your area can find you quickly and easily. Local optimisations focus on specific counties, cities, towns and areas to establish a strong brand message on a local level.
5. It’s a Long-Term Strategy
SEO takes time if you want to see real results, so it’s important to implement a high-quality, long-term strategy for your business. When done right, it can have a noticeable impact within the first year, and many actions that you take during the early stages will affect your company for years to come.
As the market continues to change and evolve, the short-term strategies you’re using for SEO today may no longer be relevant in just a few years or months. SEO isn’t something that you can do once and forget about – it needs to be an integral, permanent strategy for your business.
SEO is subject to constant change, but it’s always important for businesses of all sizes.
Call the team here at NECL on 020 3664 6365 if you want to learn more.