
Computer Infection

How to Perform Your Own PC Health Check

In our latest blog post, we'd like to teach you how to perform your own PC Health Check. Performing regular routine and relatively simple PC maintenance can help to keep your machine running better, for longer.

The Biggest IT Failures of 2019

Even the biggest companies are not immune to IT failures, be that through a glitch in their systems or just simple bad luck. All IT problems have an impact on the industry they serve, but some have more far-reaching and sometimes even unexpected consequences. Here, we take a look at some of the biggest IT failures that have made the news in 2019.

Optimising Your PC for Improved Business Performance

In the UK, it's been reported that we lose an average of 5.5 days’ work each year just because of slow computers. So, how can you optimise your PC to ensure the best possible use of your time? Read our latest blog post to discover our top tips for optimising your PC for improved business performance!

Would Your Business Be Ready for a Cyber-Attack?

Many businesses feel that cyber attacks are things that happen to other people, not something that they need to actively prepare for. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, nor what industry you are in. If you hold any data at all about your customers, there will be people out there eager to get their hands on it. Learn more about improving your approach to preventing cyber attacks.

Cyber Security Scans & Tests

Having an enormous network of interconnected computers is not without risk. With some computers connected to the internet operated by people with nefarious intentions, who will gladly gain unauthorised access to your machine and use that access for their own personal gain, what can you do to help keep your company’s most important information safe? Learn more in our latest blog post on cyber security!

Free Wi-Fi – What’s the Catch?

The age-old adage, ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’, could well be adapted for the 21st century to ‘There is no such thing as free Wi-Fi.’ We have identified three of the most common ways in which cybercriminals can exploit public Wi-Fi networks and this blog post has everything you need to know about staying safe when accessing free public Wi-Fi.

The Most Common IT Security Problems for Businesses

By 2021 it is estimated that the annual costs of cybercrime will double to $6 trillion. With cyber criminals becoming increasing savvy and inventive with their attacks, we identify some of the most common security problems that businesses are currently facing in our latest blog post.

Recognising and Avoiding a Phishing Attack

Both businesses and individuals have a constant security threat in the form of phishing attacks. These types of attacks are the most common threat online and unfortunately many have their data stolen without even realising it. Stay safer online with these tips on avoiding phishing in our latest blog!

Are All Anti-Virus Applications Created Equal?

Cyber-crime is one of the biggest growth industries of the tech-age and ensuring that your data, your computer and software stay safe should be a main priority. So, is all anti-virus software created equal and if not, what should you be demanding as standard as part of your anti-virus protection? Learn more on our latest blog post!

The Importance of Keeping Software Up to Date

Our latest post from the NECL IT Blog explains why software updates are essential for your computer and other devices. We give honest, practical advice and guidance on keeping the software on your devices bang up to date and running the latest versions. Click the link above to read more!

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