
What Is Cloud Computing and Why Is It Useful?

The use of this term has evolved over the years. It originally came about in the early days of the internet, and today it refers to a virtual ecosystem of data. It’s accessed from anywhere in the world, from any device connected to the internet. Cloud computing is more of a system than a physical thing. Here we lay out exactly what we mean when we talk about 'The Cloud'.

10 Best Apps to Help with Wi-Fi Coverage and Performance

Dealing with slow connection speeds, unreliable or out-of-range signals can be a big problem. We recommend trying one of these great apps for better WiFi performance - either at home or the office.

The Best Wi-Fi Routers and Extenders

To stay connected with your friends and family, you need the best internet, the fastest speeds and Wi-Fi that can keep up with the demand of a busy household. Here are our top picks for Wi-Fi routers and extenders to save you a little time and trouble.

Top Tech Trends For 2020

In this blog article, we focus on business-related technology developments that are changing how businesses operate internally and interact with consumers.

How Technology is Changing the Way We Do Business

Thanks to technology, everything about how we do business has taken a turn for greater efficiency. Learn more about the ways in which technology is changing the way we do business today. If you feel as though your business is missing out on any of the opportunities afforded by developments in technology and software capabilities, contact our team today for a truly impartial, expert opinion!

Microsoft Teams: What is it and How Can it Help My Business?

Microsoft Teams is an all-in-one communications platform that integrates with Microsoft Office 365, and has become a popular alternative to services such as Slack. Teams makes it easier to collaborate effectively, wherever you are. The app includes features like workplace chat, video meetings, file storage and collaboration and more!

How to Setup a VPN and Browse the Internet Safely While on Holiday

Online privacy has been a growing concern for many of us for a number of years now. A VPN is one of the most common and effective tools for enhancing online privacy and security. If you’re planning on travelling anytime soon, a VPN can keep your devices protected wherever you go. Learn more in our latest blog post!

The End of Traditional Desk Phones is Coming

The British multinational telecommunications holding company (BT Group plc) has announced that by 2020, we will not be able to buy the ISDN lines and that by 2025, the network will be completely switched off. Where does this leave your business? Read our latest blog post to learn more about transitioning to VoIP Phones so you don't get caught out by the switchover.

Hey Google, Alexa, Siri – Are You Listening to Me?

As technology continues to evolve at pace, tech that once seemed like it belonged in only the most futuristic of movies is now becoming part of our everyday lives. Voice assistants are a great example of this. But is this seemingly innocuous technology something that we should be inviting into our personal spaces so readily? Our latest blog explores privacy concerns associated with popular voice assistants.

Running Low on Disk Space? 3 Ways to Beat Storage Struggles

We discuss three sensible and efficient ways to beat storage struggles and save on disk space; Cloud Storage, Local Server Networks and Network Attached Storage are all covered in our latest blog post. Click below to read more.

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