
R.I.P Office 365, Hello Microsoft 365

The company has been no stranger to innovation as it made its way to the top of the tech giant ladder. As work and life have continued to evolve, tech firms have had to adapt and deliver new ways of working to their millions of customers. Read on to discover the changes afoot for Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Manual: Microsoft Project

If you’ve always wanted to know more about Microsoft Office software, our series of Office 365 Manual blogs are here to help! Here we review Microsoft Project, which is a standalone product separate from Office 365, covering everything from the best and worst features to pricing and highlighting users who would benefit.

The Ultimate Guide To Taking A Screenshot (Or Picture) Of What’s On Your Computer Screen

Taking screenshots of what’s on your computer screen is a fundamental skill. Whether it's sharing an important web snippet with your digital team or capturing part of your workflow, screenshots can really help get the message across. Become a screenshot expert with our handy guide covering default operating system tools and 3rd party software options.

How to Perform Your Own PC Health Check

In our latest blog post, we'd like to teach you how to perform your own PC Health Check. Performing regular routine and relatively simple PC maintenance can help to keep your machine running better, for longer.

Mac vs. PC – Which is Best in 2020?

Apple and Windows have managed to thrive in terms of supplying both computer hardware and software to homes and businesses by pursuing aggressive marketing campaigns and building on brand loyalty. If you have not already picked a side, or are considering making a switch, our latest blog post looks at some key areas you should consider; which may help in making the decision whether to choose Mac or PC in 2020!

The Biggest IT Failures of 2019

Even the biggest companies are not immune to IT failures, be that through a glitch in their systems or just simple bad luck. All IT problems have an impact on the industry they serve, but some have more far-reaching and sometimes even unexpected consequences. Here, we take a look at some of the biggest IT failures that have made the news in 2019.

Microsoft Teams: What is it and How Can it Help My Business?

Microsoft Teams is an all-in-one communications platform that integrates with Microsoft Office 365, and has become a popular alternative to services such as Slack. Teams makes it easier to collaborate effectively, wherever you are. The app includes features like workplace chat, video meetings, file storage and collaboration and more!

Optimising Your PC for Improved Business Performance

In the UK, it's been reported that we lose an average of 5.5 days’ work each year just because of slow computers. So, how can you optimise your PC to ensure the best possible use of your time? Read our latest blog post to discover our top tips for optimising your PC for improved business performance!

Different Types of VPN Service and How to Choose the Right One for You

You’ve probably heard of VPNs - but maybe you’re not quite sure what they are, what they do and why you might use one. You’re not alone! Our latest blog post answers some of the questions we get asked most frequently about VPNs, helping you to be better informed when choosing the right one for you.

Hey Google, Alexa, Siri – Are You Listening to Me?

As technology continues to evolve at pace, tech that once seemed like it belonged in only the most futuristic of movies is now becoming part of our everyday lives. Voice assistants are a great example of this. But is this seemingly innocuous technology something that we should be inviting into our personal spaces so readily? Our latest blog explores privacy concerns associated with popular voice assistants.

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